Several Children Waiting for Sponsors
In order to raise money to help specific children, we offer sponsorship.  The children who are chosen to be sponsored are  children we see frequently and families with whom we have built a relationship.

Sponsorship of an individual child is currently $20 per month or you can choose to co-sponsor a child for $10 per month. Each child is assigned a sponsor to pay for needed clothes, shoes and gifts. 

Each sponsor receives a photo card of their child with important information including the child's date of birth, code number and general information. Sponsors and children correspond through the Appalachian Ministries office. Sponsors may send letters or gifts at any time.   

If you choose to sponsor the general fund instead of a specific child be assured your money will reach dozens of children during the summer, hundreds at Christmas, individuals whose lives have been devastated by fire, children displaced due to poverty, violence or neglect. We greatly appreciate churches sponsoring our ministry.  Churches understand the expenses of doing ministry, things like utilities, travel, maintenance, etc.  When you sponsor the ministry, if a child is placed in the sponsorship program late in the year and have no funds or limited funds to spend on them, we are able because of those who sponsor our ministry to give as much to those as we do to the ones who have had a sponsor the whole year long.

Sponsors for general giving set their own pledge amount and pay monthly, quarterly or yearly.  

Sponsorship is very important and we urge you to become involved in this aspect of outreach. It provides a basic operating budget and those who give receive each mailing to keep informed of activities and needs.

Donations from individuals automatically receive a receipt for taxes. 

To sponsor a child, email your information or print the following and mail to 
Appalachian Ministries, PO Box 184, Beattyville, KY 41311

Yes! I would like to sponsor a child for $20 per month_______

I would like to co-sponsor a child for $10 per month ________

I would like to send donations to help where needed _________
My pledge amount _____   Expect my donation each:  
Month, Year or One time only

My name/address/email/phone

How did you learn of outreach programs?